Monday, May 24, 2010

Types of iPod

Types of iPos:
1. iPod 1st through 6.5 generation (including iPod classic)
2. iPod Mini 1st through 2nd generation
3. iPod Photo
4. iPod Nano 1st through 5th generation (including iPod Chromatic 1 & 2)
5. iPod Shuffle 1st through 4th generation
6. iPod Thouch 1st through 3rd generation


Affect on America

America has a very big emphasis on INDIVIDUALITY and the iPod represents that very well."An iPod is your own personal musci spae" - Taylor Mannix Everyone has thei own style of musis and an iPod is your own personal musci libraay woth all your own musci on it. An iPod is perfect becasue you can still listen to one of two o the songs from a CD with out having to buy the whole thing.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Reason for Success

iPods are very organized devices. They are set up with a menu in the front and then many many choices of what to click. You can browse by artist, song, album, playlist, or many more. The reason for it's sucess is becasue it's not like a cd where of you only like one song on the cd, you ahve to settle for it. With an iPod, you avn go nito the iTunes store and opick the one song that you want and leave all the others behind. It is so CUSTIMARY and you can make it all your own.

Affect on the Music Industry

"It changed the music forever"- Taylor Mannix

The music industry has never been the same. This new device brought about the invention of so many new programs such as the iTunes store and the Also LIMEWIRE became invented because of the iPod.

The History of The iPod

The iPod was first invented and released by October 23, 2001. Steven Jobs got a task group together under Apple Inc. with Tony Fadell as the head of it. They came up with the first ever iPod in 6 months! The reactions weren't as expected. They were bad and criticized the 400 dollar price tag and the lack of windows compability. BUT it surpassed anyone's thought of how well it would do. It sold 100,000,000 iPods before christmas!

Monday, May 17, 2010


America has been obsessed with iPods since October 23, 2001. That was the release of the first ever iPod.